Eschau 3D Archery Course
The bow parcours Eschau is operated by the archery section of the shooting club Elsava Eschau. It is located directly above the clubhouse in the Bavarian municipality of Eschau, which is only about 13 km away from Collenberg. The course is located in a mixed forest and is a smaller, rather inexpensive course. On it are compound bows up to a maximum of 60 lbs. draw weight allowed.
If you would like to shoot at the Eschau 3D Archery Course, you must have your own archery equipment or at least bring one with you, as there is no bow rental on site. However, there are several archery shops in our region who offer bow rental.
Equipment of the Course
The Eschau archery course has 15 stations with about 55 3D animals. It is easy to walk on, with little incline and relatively flat terrain. In the area of the course there are one or two large ditches. The course is easy for young and old. You can plan about 1.5 to 2 hours for a round on the 3D archery course.
In addition to the 3D course, there is also a field archery course with twelve field targets in Eschau. The field archery course has a length of approx. 1.2 km and the target distances are 5 to 60 metres. For a round on the field course, you have to plan about 1-2 hours.
What else to expect?
In addition to the course there is also a very large shooting range, on which you can find targets up to 50m.
27 stations
approx. 55 3D animals
and 12 field targets
1.5-3 hours
Ticket | Prices |
Adults (from 18 years) | 10,00 EUR |
Adults with compound bow (from 18 years) | 14,00 € |
Youths (from 14 years) | 5,00 EUR |
It is a day ticket for the 3D & field archery course, i.e. both courses may also be run through several times.
Payment of the course fee is only possible in cash. The fee is to be brought along appropriately.
The course is open daily from 1 hour after sunrise to 1 hour before sunset and all year round.
Please inform yourself before your visit for safety again on the website of the operator, if the course is really open at the desired time.
Address for navigation devices:
Wildensteiner Straße, 63863 Eschau
Actually bow rental is not offered on site. However, there are some archery shops in our region, where you can rent archery euipment for one day or even for a long time after prior arrangement.
For more information please visit the page »Bow Rental«.
You can find more information on the page »Archery courses in the region«.
The 3D course has 15 stations with approx. 55 3D animals. In addition, there is a field archery course (field targets) with a further twelve stations.
For a lap on the approximately 1.5 km long circular route of the 3D course, about 1.5-2 hours must be planned. The field archery course takes about 1-2 hours.
The course course is characterized by forest and has in its course several slight inclines and ditches, which must be traversed.
Broadheadsmay not be used!
Crossbows and blowpipes are prohibited on the site!
Dogsmay be brought onto the course if they are kept on a leash.
A catering option is not available.
A toilet is available. The keys are located on the construction trailer.
Schützenverein “Elsava” Eschau 1908 e.V.
1. Vorstand Nico Rein
Elsavastraße 90
63863 Eschau
+49 9374 970107
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Accommodations & Overnights
In case of a long journey or if you want to spend a bow holiday in our region, do you need an accommodation? A selection of accommodation and lodging near the Eschau 3D Archery Course can be found below.
Wald Hotel Heppe
Location: 63874 Dammbach
Archery Courses nearby:
Eschau (12.2 km)
Stadtprozelten (15.8 km)
Phone: +49 6092 9410

Hotel & Restaurant Rosenbusch
Location: 63920 Großheubach
Archery Courses nearby:
Eschau (14.8 km)
Kummersklinge (18.3 km)
Phone: +49 9371 650400

Country Inn Waldeck
Location: 97909 Stadtprozelten
Archery Courses nearby:
Stadtprozelten (5.0 km)
Collenberg (10.2 km)
Phone: +49 9392 8821

Apartment Dürr
Location: 97904 Dorfprozelten
Archery Courses nearby:
Stadtprozelten (3.4 km)
Collenberg (4.2 km)
Phone: +49 9392 9347852
Mobile: +49 171 7841202

Inn & Hotel Goldenes Fass
Location: 97896 Freudenberg
Archery Courses nearby:
Collenberg (6.1 km)
Eschau (19.2 km)
Phone: +49 9375 9299970

Inn Goldener Stern
Location: 97904 Dorfprozelten
Archery Courses nearby:
Stadtprozelten (3.4 km)
Collenberg (4.2 km)
Phone: +49 9392 7295
Campsite Maintal Resort
Location: 97903 Collenberg
Archery Courses nearby:
Collenberg (0.9 km)
Stadtprozelten (6.6 km)
Phone: +49 9376 1270

Inn Zur goldenen Krone
Location: 97904 Dorfprozelten
Archery Courses nearby:
Stadtprozelten (3.5 km)
Collenberg (4.0 km)
Phone: +49 9392 7528
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