Kummersklinge 3D Archery Course
The Kummersklinge archery course is located in the middle of the Odenwald and was opened in December 2018. It is operated by the Kummersklinge Archery Club.
The course leads along a beautiful low mountain stream through mixed and coniferous forests and has 32 stations and additionally a few changing “special destinations”. The partially existing, fragmented rock formations on the course are unique in the region and make the course very appealing. Especially on the descent to the second half of the course the area reminds a bit of Tyrol.
The course of the circuit is quite demanding and solid footwear is an absolute must.
Registration and Course Use
Registration for the course takes place directly at the registration desk at the hut. There are enough registration forms, which must be thrown into a slot together with the course fee after completion. The registration is based on trust. In addition, each shooter must register in the shooting book and confirm leaving after finishing the course.
If you would like to shoot at the Kummersklinge 3D Archery Course, you must have your own archery equipment or at least bring one with you, as there is no bow rental on site. However, there are several archery shops in our region who offer bow rental.
Prices and Opening Hours
The course is open all year round. The daily opening hours are staggered monthly and are based on sunrise and sunset. Details see below.
The charge is a daily fee, i. you can go as many rounds as you like during the day. Adults (aged 18 and over) with compound bows pay 15,- EUR, adults with other bows pay 12,- EUR, children and young people (up to and including 17 years of age) only pay 5,- EUR and children under 12 years of age are free when accompanied by a paying adult . More information about prices can be found on the website of the course.
Location map, directions and parking
To find the course as easy as possible, just enter Kummerssteige, 74731 Gerolzahn/Walldürn in your navigation sytem or search in Google Maps for Bogenparcours Kummersklinge. Parking is sufficiently available.
32 Stations
approx. 110 3D animals
2-3 Hours
Ticket | Prices |
Adults (from 18 years) | 12,00 EUR |
Adults with compound bows (from 18 years) | 15,00 EUR |
Youths (12-17 years) | 5,00 EUR |
Children (younger than 12 years) accompanied by a paying adult |
free |
It is a daily fee, which means you can run as many course rounds as you like.
The registration and payment takes place on-site at the registration desk. Payment of the course fee is only possible in cash. The fee is to be brought along appropriately.
Month | Opening hours |
January | 9:00 – 16:00 |
February | 8:30 – 16:30 |
March | 8:00 – 17:30 |
April | 8:00 – 19:00 |
May | 8:00 – 20:00 |
June | 8:00 – 20:00 |
July | 8:00 – 20:00 |
August | 8:00 – 19:30 |
September | 8:00 – 18:30 |
October | 8:30 – 17:30 |
November | 9:00 – 16:00 |
December | 9:00 – 16:00 |
Please inform yourself before your visit for safety again on the website of the operator, if the course is really open at the desired time.
Address for navigation devices:
Kummerssteigeg, 74731 Gerolzahn/Walldürn
49°37’19.5″ N, 9°18’32.2″ E or 49.621816 N , 9.308356 E
Actually bow rental is not offered on site. However, there are some archery shops in our region, where you can rent archery euipment for one day or even for a long time after prior arrangement.
For more information please visit the page »Bow Rental«.
You can find more information on the page »Archery courses in the region«.
The course has 28 stations with about 55 3D animals.
For a 3.5 to 4 km long round on the course about 2 to 3 hours must be planned.
The terrain is located in a mixed and coniferous forest and the route is sometimes very demanding.
Compound bows are allowed up to 60 lb. maximum draw weight and there are no arrow speed limit.
Dogsmay be brought onto the course if they are kept on a leash.
Not available directly at the course.
Just 1 km away on foot or 1.6 km away by car you can find Landgasthof Linde.
There is no toilet on site. However, the toilet can be used in the nearby Landgasthof Linde.
Bogensportverein Kummersklinge
1. Vorstand Martin Selonke
Am Felsenkeller 31
63897 Breitendiel
+49 151 41936617
function initMap() {
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// Loop through markers
for(var i = 0;i
Accommodations & Overnights
In case of a long journey or if you want to spend a bow holiday in our region, do you need an accommodation? A selection of accommodation and lodging near the Kummerklinge 3D Archery Course can be found below.
Flair Hotel Hopfengarten
Location: 63897 Miltenberg
Archery Courses nearby:
Collenberg (13.3 km)
Kummersklinge (14.9 km)
Phone: +49 9371 97370
E-Mail: info@flairhotel-hopfengarten.de

Apartment Lindenblatt
Location: 74731 Walldürn-Gerolzahn
Archery Courses nearby:
Kummersklinge (1.6 km)
Collenberg (27.2 km)
Phone: +49 6286 772
E-Mail: info@linde-landgasthof.de

Country Inn Linkenmühle
Location: 74731 Walldürn-Rippberg
Archery Courses nearby:
Kummersklinge (3.2 km)
Collenberg (30.4 km)
Phone: +49 6286 283
E-Mail: Gasthof-Linkenmuehle@t-online.de

Hotel Weinhaus Stern
Location: 63927 Bürgstadt
Archery Courses nearby:
Collenberg (11.9 km)
Kummersklinge (20.7 km)
Phone +49 9371 40350
E-Mail: info@hotel-weinhaus-stern.de

Hotel & Restaurant Rosenbusch
Location: 63920 Großheubach
Archery Courses nearby:
Eschau (14.8 km)
Kummersklinge (18.3 km)
Phone: +49 9371 650400
E-Mail: info@hotel-rosenbusch.de

Pension Stern
Location: 97896 Freudenberg (Rauenberg)
Archery Courses nearby:
Stadtprozelten (7.1 km)
Kummersklinge (19.3 km)
Phone:+49 9377 929539
E-Mail: hotz@pension-stern-rauenberg.de
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